How to use HARO (Help a Reporter Out) and Find Journalists and Editors

Step #1 of a successful PR effort: building a list of journalists covering your field.

If you want to DIY and have time to spend on researching and searching, HARO is a free tool that can help you connect with journalists.

HARO is one of the most popular free tools to find journalists’ inquiries and in this detailed video training walk-through (less than 5min), I show you exactly HOW to win at HARO so you can increase your chances of getting a response.

Remember, you are competing with over 800,000 founders and others on the platform, so knowing when and HOW to answer on this platform can make or break your pitching strategy.

If you want to bypass searching and googling for hours, check out how the PR Starter Pack can help you get in-depth information of all top editors, writers, and podcasters covering your industry—with step-by-step instructions on how to contact them with success.

Click HERE to join the #1 Facebook group for small business owners looking to be more seen, heard, and valued through PR without ads or agencies!

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